Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Last Few Months

Shew! Where has the time gone?! Summer is over, Fall is here and Home Depot has all of their Christmas decorations out !

Colby is growing like crazy and is almost 30 pounds. He is a joy to have around and we love him so much. He is totally not like the pit bull stereotype. I'm not sure he has a mean bone in his body He is so loving, gives us kisses, is still trying to get the cat to like him, cuddles with us and he even likes our little mini fireplace. He is potty trained and can make it through the entire night without any accidents. We still have to let him out at lunchtime though. He still only knows sit and paw, but he knows to go in his crate with the words "go in" and he knows to go lay on his bed when we tell him to "go lay down." When you say "treat" his ears perk up and outside he knows to go to the door.  He also knows when it is time to eat dinner and he gets so excited. We have made him wait inside his crate with the door open while we scoop his food, then make him wait to eat until we say "eat." He is quite patient and we're proud of him.

Now let's see.... the past few months.....

Well we got our yard fenced in and it is so great to be able to let Colby run free, chase his balls and frisbee and potty time is so. much. easier. Unfortunately for Colby, we got our yard fenced in on a Wednesday and he was snipped on Thursday. He didn't get to enjoy his new fenced yard for long.

We made it through Colby being fixed... but it wasn't much fun. That cone is such a pain! He had to have it though, because he would go right for his incision as soon as it was off. However, since he couldn't chew his incision, he chewed his cone. We went through 2 of them and that was after duct taping them back together. We were all happy when his 2 weeks of bed rest were up.

We had a few vet appointments and Colby made out like a champ. He got all of his shots and had a new patient routine checkup. A couple hundred dollars later, we should be done with the vet for a year, until it is time for his rabies again.

We went to puppy training class provided by our adoption agency, but we only made it for one. Life happened and our Saturday morning just didn't work out. Next time. Colby did get to see his sister at class though and enjoyed giving her some kisses.

We've had to increase his crate size and move the divider a few times. It is almost time to take it completely out.

Some photos in random blogger order :)

Somebody got bored and pulled his blanket into his crate and knocked the paper towels over. 

His best friend Dozer

His sister, Riley

Until next time !

Monday, September 16, 2013


It has been about two months since we have adopted Colby. Life has been so busy recently I have not updated my blogs, but I will be sure to soon! We have a lot of exciting news to share and tons of photos!

Stay tuned....

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Colby Week #2

Colby is growing like a weed! He likes to take walks, eat, chew on grass, snuggle, chew his toys, snooze on his new doggie bed. 

He's doing good with potty training. He's had some crate accidents for the past few days, but he seems to have that under control now- not sure what changed. When he is loose in the house, he walks to the door to signal he needs to go out. We started working with some bells, so when he's older he can jingle the bell to be let out. 

He knows how to sit, give his paw and go in his crate when you say "go in." He can be a mischievous little puppy and likes to test the waters with us. He doesn't get very far- we keep a very close eye on him. 

He's getting used to the cat and is starting to learn she doesn't want to play with him. He's good with children; we're working on not jumping on people right now. He likes to nip, but that has subsided recently. He chases his own tail and whines when he hears his daddy's car pull into the garage.
 He is super smart and we're oh so in love with him! 

We went to the park one night and I tried to get some snapshots of him.